Convertri Vs Unbounce

Convertri vs Unbounce – which landing page software builder is best in test, and what exactly are the differences between the two?

Whether you are an online marketer, service provider or retailer, your business is entirely dependent on conversions and sales, and that’s where using a powerful sales funnel building software can be really useful. In fact, when it comes to building attention-grabbing, high-converting landing pages, using the right software can be the entire difference between making a decedent amount of sales or not. Stellar landing pages aren’t luxury items, they’re necessities if your online business is going to thrive and survive in an ever more saturated and competitive market.

In this article, we’re going to take a detailed look at two of the most popular and well-publicised landing page builder softwares currently available – Convertri and Unbounce. At a glance, the two may look rather similar and perhaps even interchangeable.

Knowing the differences between Convertri vs Unbounce, and being familiar with the unique pros and cons of both, is going to help you decide which of the two landing page builders is going to best serve the needs of your business. Keep reading to learn more.

Top five reasons to build landing pages with landing page software like Convertri or Unbounce

What are the advantages of using a landing page builder software like Convertri or Unbounce, when you could build landing pages manually instead, or hire someone else to do it for you?

While there are instances where creating landing pages yourself makes the most sense – for example, if you are building a website around a hobby and aren’t thinking about catching leads or generating sales -, in most cases, having squeeze pages and effective sales funnels in place is a vital and indispensable component of running a thriving business online.

Here is a rundown of the unique advantages that using landing page builders for your online business is going to give you.

Draw on the combined knowledge and experience of the world’s leading landing page experts

Even if you are a proficient marketer and highly experienced when it comes to building landing pages, chances are you still don’t know half as much as a well-built landing page builder software. Whereas you only have our own subjective experience and expertise to draw on (The same would apply if you were to hire a human landing page builder to get the job done for you), an intelligent software draws on the combined knowledge and data available.

In other words, using landing page builders like Unbounce or Convertri is like having an entire army of the world’s best online marketers and landing page building experts on your team. No matter how much manual skill and experience you have, you simply can’t beat that.

Build more landing pages better and faster

Both Convertri and Unbounce come with multiple powerful features that make building sales pages both faster and much more streamlined. These features include dynamic text replacement, free templates, pre-written affiliate disclosure templates, drag-and-drop elements and several other tools, all of which have been developed with ease, speed and results in mind.

The larger and more ambitions your online venture is, the more you are going to notice how useful a page builder tool can be, since you’ll be able to put together responsive landing pages at record speed, and with very little friction.

Optimize your existing sales funnels

If you are already running an online business – of any kind – and have been building your landing pages and sales funnels manually so far, switching to a powerful landing page builder tool like Convertri or Unbounce is going to open a whole new set of doors of opportunity for you.

Let’s say you’re already in business; you already have a skill, a service or a product to sell. If your product is of reasonable quality, all that’s keeping you from making significantly more money is more sales. It’s a simple matter of maths.

With Convertri or Unbounce, you’ll be able to powerfully optimzie your conversion rates, by catching more leads, ensuring that you don’t lose visitors, and helping you establish a professional client relationship much more effectively.

Overcome barriers and blast through limitations

Whereas having one set of human eyes, or even a few, on a sales funnel as you are building it is likely to result in a decent sales page, using a smart software is going to catch and smooth out any errors or weak spots. Human fallibility and subjectivity have a lot to answer for when it comes to why an online business may not be thriving – which is usually a result of the landing pages failing to hook prospective customers and sell them on the product or service your business has to offer them.

When you start using landing page builders like Unbounce or Convertri, the inherent potential and possibilities of your business are no longer limited by your own very subjective skillsets, or by someone else’s. Human beings have blind spots, but using a smart sales funnel building software can help you work around that problem in order to unleash your business’s true potential.

When you start using a page building software, you’ll be reminded that there is no upper limit to how much you can sell.

Think about marketing automation

One of the really cool things about landing page builder softwares is that they can help you automate just about every aspect of your marketing and promotional campaigns.

Building effective landing pages and sales funnels is never a matter of set-it-and-forget-it, but tapping into the many amazing features that both Unbounce and Convertri have to offer allows you to automate the sales aspect of your business as much as possible, so that more of your energy is freed up to focus on perfecting the ideas, products or services you have to offer.

Convertri Vs Unbounce: Which is the best landing page builder?

In order to determine which landing page and sales funnel builder is best, or merely which one would suit your business the most, let us go over the pros, cons and features of each of them. We’ll start with Convertri.


Unbounce prides itself on being the first-ever conversion intelligence platform for both small and mid-sized businesses in the online space. Unbounce is a promising option if you are a small (or smallish) online business owner and your goal is to to attract more leads, sales and customers.

Like its immediate competitor, Convertri, Unbounc has been voted into the top 20 landing page softwares of 2020.

Unbounce essential features

Unbounce comes with a solid array of features, listed here in alphabetical order:

  • A/B Testing Options
  • Various Customizable Templates
  • Drag and Drop Features
  • Intuitive Form Builder
  • Real Time Editing
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Responsive
  • SEO Management

Unbounce pricing

Subscriptions to Unbounce start at $81/month. Note that this is per feature. In other words, unlocking the full potential of all features Unbounce has to offer can easily add up to a significant overhead.

Unbounce offers a free trial version, but there is no entirely free version of the software.

Unbounce pros

If you have been relying on your own landing page building skills, or those of a hired web designer, you’ll be amazed at what Unbounce will be able to do for you and your business.

Unbounce is going to prove particularly useful when it comes to building single pages that convert and sell your product or service. Unbounce is built on a solid foundation, consisting of the world’s best and highest-converting squeeze pages, and the software allows you to tap into all of that expertise to transform your own conversion rates and bottom line.

Generate brand concepts and mockups

Unbounce is an incredibly smart software that allows you to match any design or brand. With Unbounce, you can either build landing pages completely from scratch, or you can choose to dive into Unbounce’s extensive gallery and customisable templates in order to quickly create a mockup of any brand concept.

Quick turnaround + ease of use

Inside Unbounce’s Classic Builder, you’ll be able to use the drag and drop tools to quickly put effective landing pages together, replete with pop-ups and sticky bars. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to craft landing pages in a matter of minutes, rather than hours, days or weeks.

Powerful integration

You’re able to integrate Unbounce with just about anything, including WordPress and Google Analytics. That’s pretty useful when you want to understand what’s working and what you can do better across your pages.

Template gallery

While you can choose to build from scratch, Unbouce also gives you access to an extensive template gallery. Here, you have over 100 high-converting landing page templates to choose from, ready to plug and play.

Unbounce cons

While it is easy to get swept up by the many appealing pros, it is also important to look at the other side of the coin and consider the cons. Let us take a closer look at the most obvious cons you might want to be aware of before signing up to Unbounce.

Limited features

While the range of features Unbounce has to offer is by no means underwhelming, it still pales somewhat in comparison with the truly extensive range of features offered by Convertri. However, whether you need Convertri’s additional features is going to depend on your own preferences and the needs of your business.

Some coding may be required

While Unbounce state on their website that no coding skills are required for using Unbounce, it turns out that you may, in fact, have to do a very small amount of coding.

This becomes evident when you look at the customer reviews, one of which bemoans having to reimplement tracking code and pixels manually when you use a form confirmation dialogue box. This is important to be aware of, as you may not have any coding skills and might struggle as a result – at least initially.


Convertri is an incredibly versatile piece of landing page and funnel builder software, perfect for anyone aiming for online conversions and sales. Whether you’re B2C or B2B, an agency, an affiliate platform, a coach or even a local business, Convertri can help you amplify your reach and skyrocket your signups and sales figures.

Like its major competitor, Unbounce, Convertri has earned its spot among the top 20 landing page softwares of 2020, and with just as good a reason.

Convertri features

Also much like Unbounce, Convertri beckons with a wide range of page building and optimizing features. Here they are, listed in alphabetical order. No doubt you’ll notice that the list not only includes the same essential features offered by Unbounce, while also extending beyond them:

  • A/B Testing Options
  • Abandoned Cart Saver
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Analytics/ROI Tracking
  • Cataloging/Categorization
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Customer Profiles
  • Customizable CTAs
  • Customizable Templates
  • Drag and Drop Features
  • Dynamic Text Replacement
  • Intuitive Form Builder
  • Landing Pages/Web Forms
  • Multiple Accounts and Sub Accounts
  • Product Configurator
  • Real Time Editing

Convertri pricing

Convertri pricing starts at $75/month. Note that this is per user, rather than per feature.

Convertri offers a free trial, as well as a free version.

Convertri pros

Now, it is time to list the specific pros of using Convertri. Once you start using the software, you won’t have to look very hard for them at all. Here they are.

The world’s fastest funnel builder?

Convertri prides itself on being the world’s fastest landing page and funnel builder, and this claim may very well be true – Convertri loads incredibly fast, and the pages built using Convertri are both lightning-speed fast and highly effective.

All of the features

Convertri offers you just about every feature that an online marketer or business owner could possibly want. What’s more, the team behind Convertri are perfecting and adding to Convertri’s impressive array of features all of the time. One of the things that users remark on again and again in their glowing reviews of Convertri is the fact that faults are very hard to find – and when they are found, the team at Convertri are quick to fix them.

Convertri cons

Nothing is perfect, Convertri included.

However, it is hard to find fault with this particularly forward thinking landing page software. All of the reviews left by customers indicate as much.

Imperfect/lacking tutorials

One of the few criticisms leveraged against Convertri in user reviews is the fact that not all of the video tutorials are very clear or easy to follow.

However, in the same breath, most reviewers indicate that they are aware that Convertri are expanding and upgrading their knowledge base all of the time.

Head to head: Convertri Vs. Unbounce

Now that we have taken a good look at each landing page builder separately, it is time to hold them up next to each other and see how they compare on a number of important points.


When it comes to features, both Unbounce and Convertri both have a lot to offer. However, if we were to simply compare a list of features, Convertri would clearly come out ahead, by the sheer fact of having more of them.

While the two softwares essentially offer the same (or rather interchangeable) core features, Convertri offers an additional number of features which include an abandoned cart saver feature, cataloging options (very useful if you’re running any kind of product-based business), dynamic text replacement, customer profiles and many more.

While more features is likely to be a good thing in most instances, fewer and simpler features may appeal to some. If your aim is to keep things simple and build single landing pages without too many extraneous features, you might prefer the relative simplicity of Unbounce.

The bottom line: Although the number of features you require may vary depending on the unique needs of your business, Convertri wins simply by having more features available.


Unbounce and Convertri are both deployed by the Cloud, SaaS, and Web-based.

In this regard, there is no marked difference between the two, and none comes out ahead of the other.


Both Unbounce and Convertri offer their customers a number of support options and features. They are: Email/help desk, extensive FAQs, forum and knowledge base, as well as a web support chat.

In addition, Convertri has a 24/7 live representative available to answer your questions or help with technical issues, as well as a phone line you can call.

All in all, Convertri comes out ahead when it comes to customer support.


When it comes to training options, Convertri and Unbounce have similar offerings available: Live online training, webinars, documentation and training videos. Neither software currently offers live, in-person training.

Fee structure

At a glance, Convertri Vs. Unbounce appear to be priced similarly. While Unbounce starts at $81/month, Convertri starts at £75.

The difference of $6/month might seem like a negligible difference, but in fact the pricing models that the two softwares operate with are significantly different from each other. With Convertri, you pay a single fee of $75 per user per month. With Unbounce, you pay per feature per month, so if you decide to unlock a variety of features, the price tag you end up with is likely to be significantly more than the $81/month starting point.

Another important thing to take note of is the fact that Convertri offers a free version, which is essentially a rudimentary version of the paid plan, suitable for those who just want to whet their appetites and explore their options.

Speaking of whetting your appetite, both Convertri and Unbounce offer free trial versions for those who are curious and eager to explore the possibilities of landing page builder software, but are hesitant to make the initial investment.

All in all, it is fair to say that Convertri is the winner in terms of pricing. You can’t beat a free version, or the simplicity of an all-access subscription that doesn’t require you to pay extra and separately for each additional feature you want to explore or make use of.

User friendliness

When it comes to ease of use, or user friendliness, comparing Convertri and Unbounce is rather tricky.

To some degree, it is going to come down to a matter of taste and personal preference whether you are going to prefer navigatingConvertri or Unbounce.

Both softwares feature a highly intuitive user interface and a drag and drop editor that is easy to use. Convertri integrations offer a wider variety of features, which can make the software seem more complex and a little less straightforward to use. However, that is the price for the integrated shopping cart, pop ups and multiple other, extra features).

As part of user friendliness, we have to include customer support. If you’re like most people, getting to grips with a new piece of software can be a bit of a task, and you might need to reach out to the website provider’s team of assistants once or twice if you find yourself banging your head against some invisible wall.

While Unbounce and Convertri both offer comprehensive customer support, you can’t argue with the fact that Convertri has a support assistant available 24 hours a day as well as a phone line, whereas Unbounce doesn’t.


When it comes to versatility and range of options and possibilities, there is no doubt that Convertri beats Unbounce by a mile.

The fact that Convertry has a much more extended range of features makes it very difficult if not downright impossible for other landing page builder softwares to compete. While Unbounce is more than capable of getting the job done in terms of getting pages build that are both fast, effective and mobile responsive – everything you need them to be – the more limited range of features also make the results you can achieve with Unbounce more limited.

Convertri has all the features Unbounce has, and more. These additional features enable you as an individual business or marketer to tailor-make pages that are exactly right for your product or service.

User reviews

User reviews often speak for themselves. For the sake of balance and fairness, I have selected two customer reviews of Unbounce, one positive and one negative, and two reviews of Convertri, also one positive and one negative. Here, first, are the customer reviews of Unbounce:


“It’s like a German Shepherd: Get good at handling it and it will be a faithful companion to you.” – Dominik S. Dec 10, 2020

“Some customizations required coding, which wasn’t too bad to utilize but if we didn’t have someone on the team with basic coding knowledge we would have been lost.” – Colleen M. Oct 02, 2020


“It uses drag and drop, which makes everything so much faster to design. Support and development is good; their FB user group gets daily posts and replies by the founders.” – Jackson C.Jul 20, 2019

“I can’t think of anything I don’t like about it but if there was something the crew at Convertri would add/fix it.” – Charles H. Jun 29, 2019


We have been reviewing and looking at two powerful landing page and funnel builder softwares – Convertri and Unbounce – in some detail, and we have held them up against each other and scrutinised them under the merciless light of comparison.

While either landing page builder software is guaranteed to be a huge upgrade if you and your business have been relying on the skills and knowledge of a human programmer so far, there is little doubt that Convertri comes out a bit ahead of Unbounce on almost every count, from pricing to features.

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