How to earn money by blogging in India

Are you thinking about starting a blogging career in India but aren’t sure where to begin or if it’s worth your time? If that’s the case, you’ve come to the correct spot.

We’ve created an incredible and thorough guide for blogging in India, complete with all the tactics and tips you’ll need on your road to success, such as using Jarvis’ fantastic AI tool.

So, without further ado, let’s get into the topic and discover what this is all about.

Should you start blogging in India?

In any country, starting a blog may be a highly lucrative and creative way to earn a career and some significant money. However, many people believe that blogging is simple and that anybody can do it. The truth, on the other hand, is a little different.

To be successful, blogging requires your complete attention and effort, not simply luck and good topics.

However, this is one of the most effective methods of promoting your lifestyle, products, and business. Blogging in India has experienced a significant increase with the launch of Google AdSense, which is not unexpected given that many individuals are now earning a full-time living online.

Is it worth your time?

Before you dive into the world of blogging, keep in mind that it will take time to become a success.

Furthermore, it will consume the majority of your spare time since you will be researching, coming up with ideas and subjects, and improving your language even when you are not writing a blog.

At the end of the day, only a few people will make it in this world, but it is quite possible and well worth your effort.

Can you make a living out of blogging?

This is determined by your expectations and expenses. Most bloggers earn a few dollars a month in the beginning, but after a few months, they can earn up to $300 to $400 per month on average.

So, making a respectable livelihood from blogging is doable; just keep in mind that it will take time.

It’s a good idea to have a job when you first start blogging so you can have a separate income before the blog takes off and begins generating you money. The pressure will be reduced as a result, and a genuine passion for blogging will be fostered.

The process of setting up a blog

Now that we’ve established that blogging in India is worthwhile, we’ve outlined all of the measures you’ll need to follow to assure success and a lot of money in the end.

Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a blog.

Find your niche

One of the most crucial things to consider before beginning to create a blog in your niche or the subject you will write about the most. This may appear simple, but it will take up most of your time, so consider carefully and realistically.

Your specialty should be an extension of your passion, something you are familiar with and like doing. It doesn’t matter if it’s music, games, or flowers. Each specialty has an audience, and they want to know that you like your profession and know a thing or two about it.

It’s also a good idea to start modest and gradually broaden your interests. You may be concerned that there are already too many blogs on your topic, but the reality is that there is always room for more.

Choosing the right niche will allow you to grow and enjoy your blog while also providing an intriguing and profitable chance to monetize your hobby.

What type of blogs makes the most money?

There are a lot of fantastic niches you can use that will always have an audience.

Here are a few examples such as finance, sports, fashion, marketing, gardening, pet, leisure, travel, health & fitness, and cuisine are all options. But the most crucial thing to remember is that your blog is around your niche and it should be something you enjoy.

It will show in the writing, and it will attract more individuals who share your enthusiasm.

Select the best blogging platform

Finding the finest blogging platform is one of the most essential things you can do in your blogging career. With so many options available, it’s difficult to know which one is the best. This is determined by your level of coding knowledge and willingness to learn.

The most basic systems, like WordPress, do not require any further training, and you may start writing and uploading right away.

Some blogging systems, such as Tumbler, mix social networks and blogging, allowing you to experiment and have fun first. This is also true for Instagram and a few other social networks where you can build a fun framework before transitioning to a professional blog later.

Because there are so many alternatives, we recommend going with the easiest one for novices, which is WordPress.

This blogging platform was designed with fantastic addons and features that will make any blog spot seem professional in no time. The platform is available in both free and paid versions, however, the free version will suffice for the time being.

Once you’re comfortable as a writer, you can always upgrade to the paid version with more features.

Find a web hosting

Web hosting is a server where your blog will be maintained. While most new bloggers do not place a high value on this, it is critical to select a decent one and ensure that your site is secure and operating at all times.

There are several web hosting services available online, but they are not all the same, and you should always read a few reviews before deciding which one is ideal for you.

While self-hosting websites are paid for, they are more than affordable and will allow you to have advertisements and ad income from your blog. You can also customize the name and domain of your blog, making it appear more professional and personal.

Here are a few options to consider:

  1. GoDaddy – One of the most popular alternatives on the market, with a slew of services and a simple setup. The price ranges from $1 per month to $5.99 for the greatest deal.
  2. Bluehost – This server starts at $2.95, which is a little more than the previous host, but it has several fantastic features as well as a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  3. Hostinger – At $0.80 per month, this is India’s most cheap blogging hosting. Although the deal is not as fantastic as that of some other web-hosting providers, it is enough for novices.
  4. WP engine – WP engine is created and marketed by the previously stated WordPress platform. This is one of the more costly choices on the market, but it has some incredible customizable features. This is one of the reasons they are so popular, despite the hefty monthly fee of $35.
  5. Dreamhost – When we compare the price of $2.59 per month and the service given, this web host falls halfway in the middle. On the bright side, they provide a 97-day money-back guarantee, making it an excellent alternative if you are unsure about the finest web hosting.

Come up with the perfect name

Your name is your brand, and your blog should reflect that. You can come up with a distinctive name for your blog based on your niche, plans, business, and other considerations.

It may be as basic as incorporating your name, but you can be pretty creative here.

Some of the most successful business names rely on being easy to remember, catchy, and quick to discover. When you’re competing against millions of people, it’s critical to stand out from the crowd.

Always double-check that the name is available and hasn’t already been used by another blogger. If feasible, at the end, or even .in if your target audience is in India, go for it.

Install and customize your WordPress

If like most bloggers, you’ve selected WordPress, you’ll need to install it and learn how to utilize the dashboard. This is a rather simple and self-explanatory section, but there are a few tweaks you can make to improve your chances of success.

  • You should change the password, and create something more secure;
  • Chose the best template for your future content;
  • Adjust comments preferences and if you want to approve each one before it’s published;

This will give you greater control over your blog and may make it appear more polished. The key to standing out is to make things basic and easy to navigate.

Consider your audience’s demands and tailor your content to meet them. You can always look at the competition to see who is doing the greatest job and then follow in their footsteps.

How to make money from blogging in India?

Now that you’ve got the right site setup, we can concentrate on generating the content that will allow you to monetize the blog and perhaps make blogging your full-time career.

There are a few methods you can generate money from your blog, and we will highlight a few that have been proved to be the most effective.

Running ads on your blog

This was the most popular technique to make money from your blog a few years ago.

Since Google AdSense became available in India, many bloggers have activated this feature on their sites and begun receiving money.

The fact is that you won’t make much money through ad sense these days, but it’s still a fantastic method to enhance your passive income and make your site more interesting. There are several ad networks accessible; Ad Sense is simply the most well-known.

Affiliate Marketing

Aside from advertisements on your site, the second most common way to generate money by blogging in India is through affiliate marketing.

This implies that you are advertising certain businesses and including links to their items in your content in exchange for a share of the purchases.

The buyer will pay the same amount for the goods; however, you will earn a few bucks each time someone from your site purchases a product through the link.

This is one of the greatest methods to generate a significant amount of money while still maintaining a steady flow of readers on your site.

Sell Online Courses

Online courses are the future of education, and many individuals are prepared to pay a premium for a high-quality online teaching course.

This can be accomplished in two ways:

  • Create your courses
  • Sell courses by other creators

If you have extensive expertise on a certain subject, you can monetize it by developing an online course. If this isn’t your thing, you can always sell courses created by others.

This works similarly to affiliate marketing in that you will receive a portion of the proceeds if someone purchases a course they found on your site.


You can anticipate your audience to expand after you become used to writing and figure out what works best for them. As you gain popularity and expertise, you may monetize your writing abilities by writing for other individuals and businesses for a fee.

This is an excellent moment to step up your game and invest in, one of the greatest tools for freelancers worldwide. It will assist you in quickly creating interesting and outstanding blogs.

Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular, and you can take advantage of this trend to increase your income from your blog in India.

Selling E-book

E-books, like any other commodity, may be sold on your website and blog. Even better, if you have the fundamental knowledge and are ready to put in the effort, you can write your e-book.

This may be about any subject conceivable, but writing about something you are excellent at is the greatest way to advertise it and make some sales.

These include hobbies, interests, and detail-oriented professional texts. Pricing them reasonably will offer you more buyers and, as a result, more money.

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored articles, like affiliate marketing, are one of the greatest methods to earn consistent revenue from your site. Companies will look for influencers in their industry and will be more than prepared to pay for business promotion.

This may include giving your readers a product review or recommending a service. In exchange, the company will compensate you and frequently provide a discount coupon to your readers.

However, it is critical to remember to be honest with your audience and to always state whether the article is sponsored. Being open about these matters can help you gain more followers and, as a result, more money.

Video blogging on YouTube

While writing is frequently associated with blogging, this has altered in recent years. People are extremely visual and enjoy seeing their content creators all of the time. This is one of the reasons why video blogs have grown in popularity and will continue to do so in the future.

The videos are typically shared on YouTube and other similar platforms, but they may also be simply integrated into your blog and website.

Furthermore, YouTube offers some fantastic chances for bloggers, as well as a possibility to earn even more money than blogging. However, to create great videos, you must be willing to spend on high-quality equipment.

Sell online and offline workshops

You can offer workshops on your blog once you have a large number of followers and a strong social media presence as one of the ways to make money from your blog.

Workshops are an excellent method to teach your followers about something you are knowledgeable about and have a lot of experience with. They will be willing to spend the money to learn the trade if they appreciate your advice and knowledge.

These may be on any topic and arranged both online and offline, giving it an incredible opportunity to teach someone from another country your skill.

Selling Own Service

Your skills, education, and profession are valuable, and you can monetize them if you are ready to put in the effort. Even the greatest specialists in any industry require effective advertising.

You can market your service to your audience and get additional work if you have a blog. When producing articles to attract people to your site, remember to assess the competition and include SEO keywords.

More readers equal more chances to offer your service and make money this way. If you are not a strong writer and don’t know how to start a blog Jarvis and their great blogging tools may be beneficial to you.

Create paid newsletter

When your site has grown in popularity and has a large number of readers, you will have additional chances to boost the amount of money you can make. Once you’ve completed the initial step of publishing, you can concentrate on increasing your impact.

Creating a paid newsletter is one of the finest methods to supplement your revenue. Once your audience is convinced that you are the genuine thing and that they can trust your blog, you can develop a paid edition in the form of a newsletter.

This is similar to marketing and selling your expertise in e-books, but the revenue is consistent and your following will receive continuous updates.

Remember that it will take time to polish your writing before you can expect someone to pay for your services, but it is doable.

Driving Traffic To Your Blog

Writing a blog in India is one thing, but having a successful site and make money from blogging is quite another.

To make money from your blog, you must have people visiting it, reading it, and clicking on the links offered. In a nutshell, traffic is the most important factor.

However, attracting traffic and people to visit your blog may not be as simple as you believe.

That is why we have created a list of things you can do to improve the number of visitors and, as a result, your chances of success.

You can use social media

This is the age of social media platforms, which may be beneficial if used correctly. Social media accounts may be a great tool for marketing your blog and content.

Creating a few profiles with the same name or business on multiple social media sites and publishing regularly will boost your impact. This is true not only for India but for a global audience that will enjoy your content and return to your blog for more.

So, make sure you have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even a TikTok account dedicated to promoting your content and ideas.

Leaving links to your blog in all of these locations will guarantee that people can quickly find you and follow you for additional information.

Furthermore, each network offers a unique offer for content creators that may become a second source of revenue if you want to put in the time and effort.

Learn about SEO

Most visitors will come to your blog because they noticed your material on various social networking sites, but you should also optimize your content for Google.

This is where SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, comes into play.

Because Google selects which articles and blogs to promote depending on keywords in the text, you must optimize your content properly.

Before you begin writing the blog, you should study and research the subject, figure out what people want to know about it and utilize tools like Jarvis to get the greatest results.

This will assist the Google algorithm in detecting and promoting your blog as something worthwhile, and visitors who search for certain phrases will be sent to your blog as a result. This will be the best way to monetize your blog.

Create contacts

When you first start blogging, you will be concerned about the competition, since, let’s face it, many individuals in India will attempt to blog at some point. However, instead of viewing them as rivals, consider them potential allies.

You can always follow in the footsteps of great bloggers who earn a lot of money but make sure to avoid copying and stay original. You can also contact other bloggers in your niche and ask for tips and help.

Many of them will be happy to assist you, and the most generous will enable you to write a guest blog and promote your material on their website.

It’s also a good idea to re-engage with individuals on social media to see if anyone is ready to give you a shoutout.

How to write a blog in India?

If you want to make money from blogging, you must understand how to write the best blog. Practice makes perfect, and with these tips, you’ll be a writing pro in no time. Nothing can stop you from succeeding if you have the appropriate amount of motivation.

Understand your audience Your audience is the most essential part of your future business, and you should always keep them in mind. The audience will drive traffic to your blog and supply you with money from advertisements and links.

So, the first step is to understand your target audience and their preferences.

This is possible if you have a certain niche in mind and begin to follow individuals who are interested in the same subject. This will result in a surge of blog articles, videos, and forums packed with individuals seeking the same thing.

Use the information you acquire there, along with the reactions you receive on your blogs, to produce pieces that will be shared and interacted with.

Although you will never be everyone’s favorite, the essential thing is to have true admirers who will support your efforts.

Pick a topic for your blog post Topics are an extremely essential aspect of writing. Depending on your experience and niche, you can start with a few broad themes and expand from there.

This will help you to learn more about blogging while also allowing your audience to get to know you better. Bloggers are always thinking about topics, and as you grow better at your profession, you will be able to find intriguing themes to write about all of the time.

While remaining inside your niche is a smart idea, experimenting and thinking outside the box are also encouraged. You can broaden your area of interest as you go and better tailor it to your audience.

Come up with a titleSome people feel that the title is not as essential as the content, but they are mistaken. The title is what often draws readers in the first place and, as such, should be optimized.

The title should be used to answer a search that the user may be looking for on the web, but it should also be intriguing enough to entice the user to read the full article. Try to include some SEO keywords in the title of the post as this will make it simpler to promote your work.

Write an engaging introThe introduction of your blog should be brief and interesting. Making the reader feel good about visiting your site since you provide the information they are looking for.

To get the best outcomes, it should, on the other hand, entice the audience to stay and read until the conclusion. Keep it simple, and utilize phrases that captivate the reader.

Divide the topicsNow is the time to put together the blog and start writing on the subject. Jarvis is used by the top bloggers since it is recognized for its AI technology that aids you in creating the best blog ever.

Remember that an excellent post will have headers and will be simple to read and comprehend. In addition, utilize bullet points to address any questions that the reader may have.

For the best results, always write the content how you would like to see it in other places and put yourself in the shoes of your audience.

This will ensure that your readers don’t simply read to the conclusion of the post, but that they come back for more. And, as previously said, more readers means more revenue from your site.

Edit and proofreadWhen you have finished the blog, you need to read it again and correct any errors that may have occurred.

Editing the article will allow you to highlight the most essential points and add a few words if necessary. A professional blog is always error-free and includes a distinct introduction, body of the blog, and conclusion.


How much do bloggers earn in India?

Bloggers in India earn an average of $300 to $400 a month. However, the best of them earn much more. The figures are only estimates, although they frequently exceed $40.000 each month.

Keep in mind that this degree of success takes time and effort, but it’s encouraging to know that some people have achieved it so you can too.

Who is the highest-paid blogger in India?

Amit Agarwal is officially India’s highest-paid blogger. He runs a technology blog that pays him about $60.000 each month.

While most bloggers will never reach those figures, many will be able to make a respectable living from their blogs. You can follow in Amit’s footsteps and earn money through AdSense, income, and sponsored content.

Is blogging safe in India?

While many people will agree with you and follow you for your content, there will always be those who argue with you.

So, only if you select contentious topics should you be concerned about your safety. To prevent potential issues, write about something intriguing but neutral that will not offend anyone or make you feel uneasy.

Final Thoughts

Blogging in India is on the rise, and you can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to pursue your passion while earning a living. If you follow our advice on how to make money from blogging and put in enough time and effort, the benefits will be abundantly clear.

Your blog allows you to have free time and use it anyway you choose while writing on topics that are of great interest to you. This is how you can work full-time, earn a lot of money, and be completely satisfied with your job.

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